Join us

Thank you for your interest in Team ERICA! To apply for working with us, please follow the instructions below for your prospective role and email us at application[at] (Use the link or copy it and replace [at] with @)

  • Graduate associate

That is, you want to sit in our lab meetings and/or do research with us but are officially advised by the PI of another lab, which is totally cool.

Please describe in the email 1) some of "our" research topics that interest you and 2) why.

  • Doctoral student & postdoc

Please include 1) your most updated CV and describe in the email 2) your expected research topics, 3) representative works, and 4) how working in our lab may help with your career development.

  • Master's student

Please describe in the email 1) your expected research topics, 2) research experiences, 3) relevant courses you've taken, and 4) how working in our lab may help with your career development.

  • Undergraduate trainee

Please describe in the email 1) some of the research questions that interest you, 2) relevant courses you've taken, 3) how working in our lab may help with your academic development, and 4) on average how much time you're willing to commit to the lab work.